Chicago Auto Show 2020 / Chrysler 2021 Pacifica Press Release
We were personally invited by Chrysler to attend their press release of their new 2021 Pacifica! This was actually the first time we...

Spotlight: Morris' Purple Previa at Otakon DC 2019
Morris had his Previa displayed at Otakon in DC. It was to promote Equilibrium USG. The Van really looks good and if you check out...

Driven Calgary 2019
I saw that my brothers from Vancouver BC, drive to Calgary. That is a 12hr drive! They did it to participate in Driven (Canadian car...

Ontario Canada Meet up
Van owners and tuners I feel are two different mindsets of course with some intersectionality. When I saw James L and Nick S. post...

F31Roger's International VK meetings.
It was a busy few months. In May, I was in LA (unfortunately didn't meet up with VK SoCal), then Japan for 2 weeks (met with...

Tuner Evolution Philadelphia 2019
Felix (the thot) called me the other week and we talked about how VK represented on the East Coast, but also a pretty significant step...

End of the Year Meet at DIY or Die 2018
After a busy 2018, it was the end of the year meeting. I was hoping to do more with VK this year, such as HIN and NorCal BBQ, but I was...

NorCal BBQ 2018
Kinda behind and I was suppose to go to this event, but I was sick again. I believe Ray F took these pix. I don't mind adding more pix,...

Tuner Evo 2018
My boy Felix posted these up awhile ago. I definitely had to get them up! Thanks bro!

Twin Cities VK chapter
Whenever I see a some vans represent at a small show or gathering under the VK banner, it's great to see. I always want to make sure...