Mt Vernon Car show - New York
My brother Felix sent me some pictures for me to post up. He mentioned it was a local show.. but did our VK brothers go out and represent!!!

Spotlight: 1st Gen Odyssey mini gathering
I absolutely love the 1st generation Odysseys. I just think they look great. Andrew posted these on the FB page and I had to get them on...

Tuner Evolution 2018
Felix posted these pix with the RB1 Odyssey at Tuner Evo... I definitely needed them up on this blog! Thanks brother!!! Credits - Tuner...

VANKulture Russia
If you didn't know, Russia imports tons of Japanese vehicles. I've been friends with people out that way and I always find it interesting...

Art of Speed, Malaysia 2018
Suffian and Azim messaged me a few weeks back saying they were gonna be at the Annual big show in Malaysia, Art of Speed (AOS). Suffian...

Autocon, New York 2018
Autocon was held in New York on July 8th, 2018. My brother Felix sent some pictures of the vans that were there. Thanks brother!!! Chin's...

Family Night - Kubinh's Odyssey
Was posted on the FB page.. simply an awesome video!!! Video - Stxcks Media

Stance Nation, West Palm 2018
Melvin shared some pictures of the recent Stance Nation show. He snagged the 1st place Honda Award and Javi got 2nd Place!

Felix sent me a picture of his 2nd van a couple months back. Whoa it was a doozie. Custom front bumper... but it was overall well put...

Random: Lake Tahoe gathering
There is so much functionality in vans, why wouldn't you build one! Julius M. posted these pictures up. His family all went to Lake Tahoe!