First gathering VANkulture, 30 January 2016 Tmii Jakarta – Indonesia
An honor for us who have been given the confidence to raise the name of VANkulture especially in Indonesia. The trust we do not waste in vain, precisely on the 30th of January 2016 we made a special event VANkulture in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah - Jakarta, and noted that the event is the first event VANkulture specially made. The event we create are DIY (Do It Your Self) and supported by the communities in Indonesia, such as: Bekasi Auto Family (BAF), Toyota Kijang Club Indonesia (TKCI), Honda Odyssey Community (HOCY), Indonesia Serena Owners Club (ISOI), LivinaXgang, Karimun wagons, and some personal enliven our event. Not only that, the event was covered by leading media both online, magazines, and TV, such as: Gettinlow,, Rajamobil, MajalahMotor, MNC sports, etc. In terms of the concept of the event we make that comrades who were present at our event in particular who has a family to play with children of his and we have provided a playground, some games which we presented merchandise and closed by distribution of prizes and the draw voucher discount Airsuspension. The event will be endeavored VANkulture Indonesia every year to be able to unite a hobby modifications not forget to always remain happy with the family.
Best regards, (Vankulture Indonesia)
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*Photo : Gettinlow ( *Video : WB project ( *Writer : Indra Yogashara